Homeopathy and complementary medicine at the “open prison” of Gorgona Island (Tuscany)

Homeopathy and complementary medicine at the “open prison” of Gorgona Island (Tuscany)

Relazione presentata al 5th European Congress for Integrative Medicine (ECIM 2012) Firenze, 21-22 Settembre 2012


1. Cristoforo Condello / 
2. Marco Verdone / 3. Ilde Piccioli / 4. Giampiero Leonessi
1. penitentiary medical service, ASL 6 Livorno (Italy)
2. homeopathic veterinary service, Gorgona Island Livorno (Italy)
3. pharmacist, phytotherapist, voluntary, Gorgona Island Livorno (Italy)
4. penitentiary medical service, ASL 6 Livorno (Italy)

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